“The director loved her happy face. He said, “A little sun is shining in her eyes.””
Judging someone's personality from their appearance from the first without knowing them specifically is my bad habit. As for her, I assume that she is a conventional and selfish woman until I read the book. I only knew the name of two famous movies that she played in it, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Roman Holiday.
Because of that well-known movies, I considered myself that she succeeded to become a star easily in Hollywood. However, that wasn't a true. In the first place, she isn't an american. She was born in Belgium, in 1929. By the age of 10, she went through her parents divorce and move to avoid WWⅡ. In addition, when she was 18, she learned ballet dream of becoming a professional ballet dancer in London, but due to her high height, she had to abandon her dream.
In order to survive, she had small parts in some movies. During the tough time, she smiles every time, and some big names in a movie industry noticed her talent. After that, she got a lot of main roles in many movies. Since she became an actress, she went through a lot of difficulties. She had lost babies, and had divorces.
When she got older, around 1980, she decided to devote her life to poor people. The memories of her poor and hungry experiences during the war made her to do that. I often heard that movie stars, such as Angelina Jolie and George Clooney, goes to poor countries, and they donate money or sometimes insist the situation of those countries. Perhaps I thought she is the beginning of such great activities.
By the way, while I was watching some her gifs, I thought that sunglasses really suit her, but on the contrary, 90 percent Japanese don't look in sunglasses, especially women who are wearing them in a room. They MUST take them off unless they stay outside.