Last Sunday, my parents and I went to a hospital in which 20 minutes away from my house. My paternal grandmother who has been hospitalized there since last couple of years. Maybe 5 years ago, she was able to walk and speak clearly, every time I see her, she says “Oh, dear ! Come on in ! How are you doing ?”. Then we had a talk about rambling conversation a long time. However, she suddenly turned into bedridden recently, and her physical and mental were getting worse and worse, and now, she couldn't move her body herself except her hands and face.
She sits on wheelchair-like bed, and staring at outside of rooms or empty areas. She sometimes reacts when we speak to her, she gazing at us, and nods many times. Sad to say, I think she doesn't recognize us. I'm extremely sad when I noticed that she couldn't understand my name, and even her son, my father's name. She still alive now, she can breathe, she can feel pain, she can eat, but she doesn't remember anything at all. Is she virtually dead isn't she ? I have been thinking of what is the true meaning of the death.
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